Integration with Salesforce

Posted on Sep 19, 2016 10:12

You can easily create Leads and Contacts in your Salesforce account during the chat by following the steps below:


1. You will need your Salesforce Security Token (if you know your Salesforce Security Token please go to step 3). Sign into Salesforce and click on top right of your screen and select My Settings.



2. On the left side menu select Reset My Security Token and then click on Reset Security Token. The new security token is sent to the email address in your Salesforce personal settings. Open your email and copy your Security Token.



3. Sign into LiveSupporti, click on Apps > Salesforce, enter your Salesforce username, password, paste your Security Token and click Install.

4. You are done :)


Now during the chat when you click on "NEW LEAD" or "NEW CONTACT" button on the right side of your screen (where visitor's information is displayed), then a new Lead or Contact will be created in your Salesforce account.
